Our all-you-care-to-eat residential dining locations – International Village, Levine Marketplace, and Stetson West Eatery – are a great place to find just about any type of cuisine you are looking for. While our rotating menus allow for different flavors at each meal, if there is a specific taste you are looking for sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. Below are seven simple dining hall hacks that will change the way you eat in the dining halls. 1) Breakfast Parfait Let's start with the first, and most important , meal of the day. Yogurt is a great way to start your day but you can easily upgrade it by layering in some sliced fresh fruit, granola, or cereal. Using a clear beverage glass will also allow you to marvel at the beautiful layers you create in your breakfast masterpiece. 2) Thai-Style Peanut Sauce You waited for your grilled chicken from the grill so why not make the most of it? Combine peanut butter and soy sauce with a splash of sriracha for a spicy T...