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Showing posts from April, 2018

Drink Healthy

With assistance from Northeastern graduate student Crystal (Sopher) Richardson You are what you… DRINK? The Healthier Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 included the addition of the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools which prescribed limitations on beverages offered for sale to students during the school day. 1   These guidelines eliminated the sale of sodas, caffeinated beverages in some states, and restricted the size of non-caloric beverages, milk and juice for all grade levels.  Many would agree that this was a courageous and much needed step to ensure that children developed healthy eating and DRINKING habits. School systems across the United States must have portable water available, free of charge and available to all students. Many school districts encourage the consumption of plain water by allowing students to have water bottles in class. Great steps, great idea, only one problem… what about the adults? In 2006, a group of researchers from Across the US gathered together to...

Good for you, Good for the Earth

As we prepare to celebrate Earth Month in April and Stop Food Waste Day on April 27th,  many of us will focus on making choices that improve the health of our planet. An added  bonus is that several of the strategies that shrink our carbon footprint can also help improve our health. Shrink (or Share) Your Portions  Starting with smaller portions has been shown to decrease the amount we eat – saving us important calories. Smaller portions also tend to decrease the amount of food we end up throwing away. This strategy is a win-win for the planet that both reduces waste and reduces the demands of producing more food than we really need. When eating out, if smaller portions aren’t available, share dishes with friends. You’ll get to taste a variety of foods without the added calories or waste. Choose More Plants Plant foods like fruits, vegetables and grains require substantially less energy, land and water to produce than do animal foods like beef and eggs. Reducing how often...