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Showing posts from July, 2017

Are You Sabotaging Your Sleep?

We all know how important getting a good night’s sleep is, but sometimes it isn’t so easy to do. It’s possible that you may be unknowingly sabotaging your sleep with what you are eating and drinking. Foods that hurt sleep: For all the reasons that we drink coffee in the morning, we should do our best to limit it at night or switch to decaf. Caffeine’s stimulant effects can make it hard to fall asleep. Don’t stop at coffee when looking for caffeine. With the increase in “energy” products, caffeine can be found in a variety of other foods and drinks including tea, soda, bars, chocolate, gum and other candies. It is best to avoid them within a few hours of bedtime. Heartburn and other types of indigestion can also disrupt sleep and tend to get worse when we lie down. Large meals and specific triggers, like spicy or high fat foods, can increase indigestion and make it hard to sleep. Foods that help sleep: You’ve probably heard that turkey makes you sleepy, but it is really true? Sadly, no....